Monday, March 30, 2009

How To Get My Ex Back

Want to know how to get your ex back? Are you in shock and disbelief over the break up? Was it one of those that came out of nowhere? You knew things were a bit off, but damn, not like this. Or is he unclear as to how broken up you are? Maybe he's tossing you a "let's just take a little time and see how things go". Or better yet, "things aren't over between us", with that intense look in his eyes, but he is still breaking it off or asking for the mysterious "space". Is he giving you NO answers as to why (or the ones he gives you are so lame you know it just doesn't fly)?

If you find yourself in this position, a cruel joke of nature is that, unfortunately for you, all of your instincts will serve you wrong and give you the exact opposite result of what you are hoping for. Likely you will want to know why. It will eat you up. You will replay every word of every sentence and the possible inflection of each thing said and what he meant or might have meant and probably call your girlfriends who will painstakingly help you review everything to death and call him a bastard while you clutch your phone in case he calls. The moment you are out of their sight, you will text him something you think is loving and harmless like, "Are you okay?", and continue pounding nail after nail into your relationship coffin.

You will want to talk to him. You will tell yourself and your girlfriends that he is different. You will insist that they do not understand and that he would never want to hurt you. No one else knows him like you do, that gentle vulnerable side. Something else must be going on and you just have to be there and he will open up to you. You call him at night.

Every single thing your heart longs to do will have you looking utterly pathetic and pathetic is NOT sexy. Remember the attraction, confidence, and sexiness that drew him to you in the first place. Those are the desirable traits that will bring him back. You might think that because you know him better and he loves or loved you that you can be more honest, open, you can share your feelings and talk it out. He will eventuall feel really sorry for how he has hurt you and undo it all. No No No.

But in the bewilderment of emotion and devastation, it can be hard to be your most charming sexy self. And maybe, even though you know these things, the steps to them are unclear. You can't eat, you can't sleep, you can think of nothing else. You keep hoping that he will come to his senses and show up at your door. It prevents you from making good decisions that will get you what you want, him. Back in your arms, loving you with the passion and desire that once possessed him.

Check this out, it's interesting, specific, clear, and effective. Some of the action steps are free, but the detailed stuff they give you for a small fee has a guarantee that if you don't get him back in 60 days, you get your money back! Learn the subtle secrets of what to do today that can get your ex back into your arms. I think it's great stuff.

Make up already!

Learn More About Seducing Your Mr Right!