Cruising around online I have found 22 free e-book sites. One site even offers free audio books and another is designed for those of us who might need a little larger print! I am a total book hound and a big fan of free stuff. Isn't the digital age wonderful?
www.AskSam.com/ebooks/ - A small selection of classic texts like Shakespeare, and assorted legal & governmental texts.
www.baen.com/library/ - Baen Free Library - A small library of downloadable science fiction novels, mostly the first in an ongoing series to get you hungry for more.
www.bookrags.com/browse/ebooks/ - BookRags.com - Small selection of free choices, and thousands more for premium members. Can be downloaded as PDF or Word documents.
www.Gutenberg.org - The first project for converting public domain works into a digital format; their selection now numbers over 5,000.
www.ManyBooks.net - Over 24,000 books to be read on your PDA, cellphone, iPod, iPhone and more.
www.Mslit.com - Over 60,000 e-books provided by Microsoft for their MS Reader.
www.NetLibrary.net - World Public Library: Annual membership, and access to over 500,000 works, is only $8.95 a year. They do offer some books for free.
http://ota.ahds.ac.uk/ - Oxford Text Archive - Thousands of texts in 25 different languages you can download as ASCII or DOC files, some do require permission of the original uploader, some are archived for preservation purposes only, but most are available and free.
www.planetpdf.com/free_pdf_ebooks.asp?CurrentPage=1 - PlanetPDF eBooks - A decent sized collection of classic novels all in PDF format.
www.planetebook.com - is the sister site to Planet PDF offers more downloadable free e-books.
www.PocketPCbooks.net - A nice selection of e-books specifically for your Windows Mobile Device. They are mostly converted from Project Gutenberg. Every one needs to carry Sun Tzu’s The Art Of War on their PDA.
www.Bartleby.com - Internet site dedicated to providing students, teachers, and the intellectually curious access to information and books for free. They have the Bible, Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, Harvard Classics, and encyclopedias are included here in this easy to browse, HTML only site.
sunsite3.berkeley.edu/Literature/- Berkeley Sunsite Classics - A selection of the works of 10 classical authors from Jane Austen and Thoreau.
www.Bibliomania.com - Over 2,000 classic texts, study guides, reference books, help for teachers, biographies, and more.
www.Grtbooks.com - Chronological collection of free-to-read online texts dating back as far as 200 B.C.
www.Infomotions.com - A collection of over 14,000 open access documents from full novels to Western philosophy.
www.ipl.org/reading/books - Internet Public Library - A directory of over 20,000 of online texts hosted at other sites.
www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper - The Perseus Digital Library - A large collection of classical texts broken down by the time period in which they were written and/or category of work.
www.ReadEasily.com - A site with e-books specifically with the visually impaired and elderly in mind. It allows you to change colors, fonts, and size to make it more legible.
http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/ - The Online Books Page - Directory of over 35,000 e-books from all over the web.
www.scribd.com - Over 50,000 texts from books to magazines to articles to recipes.
www.arcamax.com - over 50,000 books by e-mail, sent a chapter a week.
www.questia.com - Over 74,000 books and 2 million articles for free, but you do have to register.
http://librivox.org/- Free audiobooks. The site is dedicated to making all public domain books available as free audiobooks.
By the way, smart is sexy. Have fun bookmarking!
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