Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hot New Book- Who's Got Your Back by Project Greenlight's Keith Ferrazzi

Keith Ferrazzi's new book, Who's Got Your Back: The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep, Trusting Relationships That Create Success--and Won't Let You Fail is ready to help YOU drastically change your life. His idea is simple: Hold a small few close. Make these few the smart, real people in your life that will give you the honest truth about the missteps they see in your life and life-plan (no yes-men). Keep them in your life and have them hold you accountable.
Keith Ferrazzi- Author of "Who's Got Your back?"

Ferrazzi's ideas mirror those of many great men and titans of industry before him. It's a worthy read with much to teach. Use his wisdom to change YOUR life and move closer to the life YOU DESERVE!

"If I'd had this book at the start of my career, I would have saved myself 30 years of trial and error. If you are serious about your success, I strongly recommend that you read this book and build your support circle today."

- Marshall Goldsmith, author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There, a NYT best seller, WSJ #1 business book

Disregard the myth of the lone professional "superman" and the rest of our culture's go-it alone mentality. The real path to success in your career and in your personal life is through creating an inner circle of "lifeline relationships" - deep, close relationships with a few key trusted individuals who will offer the encouragement, feedback, and generous mutual support that every one of us needs to reach our full potential. Whether your dream is to lead a company, be a top producer in your field, overcome the self-destructive habits that hold you back, lose weight or make a difference in the larger world, Who's Got Your Back will give you the roadmap you've been looking for to achieve the success you deserve.

Keith Ferrazzi, the internationally renowned thought leader, consultant, and bestselling author of Never Eat Alone, shows us that becoming a winner in any field of endeavor requires a trusted team of advisors who can offer guidance and help to hold us accountable to achieving our goals. It is the reason PH.D candidates have advisor teams, top executives have boards, world class athletes have fitness coaches, and presidents have cabinets.

In this step-by-step guide to the powerful principles behind personal growth and change, you'll learn how to:

  • Master the mindsets that will help you to build deeper, more trusting "lifeline relationships"
  • Overcome the career-crippling habits that hold you back, once and for all
  • Get further, faster by setting goals in a dramatically more powerful way
  • Use "sparring" as a productive tool to make the decisions that will fuel personal success
  • Replace the "yes men" in your life with those who get it and care - and who will hold you accountable to achieving your goals
  • Lower your guard and let others help

None of us can do it alone. We need the perspective and advice of a trusted team. And in Who's Got Your Back, Keith Ferrazzi shows us how to put our own "dream team" together. The principles learned apply to much more than just business.

Don't Pay What Everyone Else Is Paying!

Click this link now and get your copy

for only $13.75!

That's over $11 off list price!

Also check out Keith Ferrazzi's Bestselling DVD Never Eat Alone HERE!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

10 Headlines That Will Make YOUR HUSBAND LEAVE YOU Before He Even Meets You!

Your HEADLINE will get your profile read or skipped.

Next to your photo, it is one of the most powerful marketing tools of your online dating profile. A good headline can draw crowds of people, even if you don’t have a photo. A bad headline however... can make you all but invisible.

In no particular order, here are the 10 worst headlines out there... so common and boring that people don’t even see them as they skim through ads. Learn from the mistakes of the unread!

Get for FREE what everyone else is paying for here with the 7-day Free Trial and FIND YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND online!

1. HEADLINE: “Insert funny headline here.”
HE THINKS: “Wow, people are still using this tired old line?”

This wasn’t funny years ago, and everyone has seen it dozens of times since. Be creative. If you’ve seen it somewhere before, it’s old news. It makes you look out of touch.

2. HEADLINE: “Clever headline #28492”
HE THINKS: “Um. Not clever’”

Says nothing interesting about you and it's way too overused. Do you really want something this boring and unoriginal to be the first thing people read about you?

3. HEADLINE: “how about diner and drinks”
HE THINKS: “You can’t even spell properly in your headline? Is our first date going to be at Chuck E Cheese?”

There is NO excuse for spelling errors in your headline, and yet it is so common. First impressions are everything, and your headline counts. It makes you look careless and sloppy (and let's be honest, not that bright). The “dinner and drinks” headline itself is also overused and coming from a woman, sounds like you are asking for a free meal.

4.HEADLINE: “Love to laugh.“
HE THINKS: “No way! Me too! We must be soul mates.”

No. No he doesn't. It doesn't send the message you want it to, that you are lighthearted and fun to be around. People write this as if it makes them unique... but have you ever known anyone who didn’t enjoy laughing? Although this headline intends to display value by making you look special, it actually reduces your value by showing that you are average.

5. HEADLINE: “I’m looking for someone special.”
HE THINKS: “Wow, I’ve just been hanging out here waiting to show myself to someone who was LOOKING for someone special! Now that you’re here, I’m saved!”

Because you are looking for someone special, does it mean that the truly special people should come check you out? Nope. No one cares what you are looking for, they only care what they are looking for. Remember that. You have to "sell" yourself online in a very small space. Use your headline to build your own value and get you what you want: Your profile read.

6. HEADLINE: “Hmm, I don’t know what to write here.”
HE THINKS: “Stumped already? Our first date is going to suck. I took the time to write something on my profile. She won't even bother to do that? Not interested.”

If you can’t think of your own headline, you’re either heavily medicated and should not be out dating or you lack any thought processes at all. There is no excuse. None. Steal something off the front page of Yahoo if you have to.

7. HEADLINE: “I’ll fill this in later.”
HE THINKS: “Too lazy to even write a headline? Guess who would be doing ALL of the work dating her...”

If you can’t be bothered, why should anyone else bother with you? Seriously, laziness is one of the biggest turn offs there is.

8. HEADLINE: “One last try...”
HE THINKS: “One last try... because you’ve struck out so many times already?”

Oh my NO NO NO. Pathetic and hurt is not SEXY. You MUST be appealing to attract. And come on, we have all been hurt. Yours is not so super special. But that headline tells everyone you are not over it. No one wants to play therapist on a date. Reminding someone of failure is never a great way to get anyone attracted to you.

9. HEADLINE: “Single and looking.”
HE THINKS: “Slutty.”

He could infer you date all the time. Guys love to think about that. (No. No they don't.) This redefines redundant, and tells the reader nothing more than that you are exactly the same as the other 50,000 people visiting the site that day.

10. HEADLINE: “Hello,” or “Hi.”
HE THINKS: “Dull.”

This is definitely one of the most common and boring headlines out there. It is completely uncreative and lacking any effort. People won’t even see it listed amongst the other interesting and funny headlines.

And the bonus number ELEVEN Worst Prize Winner is: "Picking Up the Pieces."

You know why!

And there you have the top 10 (had to be 11) most useless online dating headlines. These also fail as subject lines for first emails. The rule is - always be interesting, exciting, funny, or fascinating. Never, ever be average.

Keith Ferrazzi's smokin' hot new book
, "Who's Got Your Back, The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep Trusting Relationships That--Create Success and Won't Let You Fail" is targeted at business relationships. but he is brilliant when it comes to starting and developing the kind of connections that last a lifetime. Keith Ferrazzi is an internationally renowned thought leader, consultant, and the bestselling author of Never Eat Alone and the top leaders in business listen to what he has to say. His book offers worthwile advice on building the most important relationships in life.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Cook Yourself Thin Lasagna Recipe

"Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes"

by Lifetime's Harry Eastwood

Lasagna...light but luxurious

The lasagne

  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 sticks of celery, finely chopped
  • 1 carrot, finely chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped
  • 400g lean beef mince (must be the best quality, or you could try and get a butcher to mince it for you)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 315ml red wine
  • 400g tin plum tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon tomato purée
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 2 courgettes, thinly sliced lengthways
  • 1 jar of roasted red peppers in brine
  • 4 sheets of lasagne

The cheese sauce

  • 500ml semi-skimmed milk
  • A good grating of whole nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper
  • 3 tablespoons cornflour
  • 1 teaspoon English mustard
  • 80g mature cheddar cheese

Per serving:
347 calories

1. Heat up a big saucepan and add the olive oil. Sweat the onion, celery, carrot and garlic for around five minutes over a medium heat.

2. Heat a frying pan up until very hot and cook the seasoned beef, without any oil, in batches. Then add the beef to the saucepan.

The point of cooking the beef in batches is to get a good colour on it because this adds more flavour.

3. When all the beef is in the saucepan, turn up the heat and add the wine.

4. Cook until the wine has all been absorbed and then add the tinned tomatoes, tomato purée, bay leaf and oregano. Season and simmer for 30 minutes or until rich and tasty.

5. Preheat a conventional oven to 180ºC, or a fan-assisted one to 160ºC.

6. Heat a griddle pan. Season the courgettes and lightly chargrill or sear on each side, then leave on a plate until assembling time. Drain the peppers and also add to the plate.

7. For the cheese sauce: heat the milk up gently with a good grating of nutmeg, some salt and pepper. Mix the cornflour with 50ml of the milk and whisk back into the milk, continuing to cook for two to three minutes until thickened.

8. Add the mustard and half the cheese. Check the seasoning and set aside.

9. Now for the fun part: Take a baking dish and start layering up the ingredients. Start with a layer of meat, then peppers, then meat, then courgettes, then meat, then pasta and finally cheese sauce.

10. Top with the rest of the cheese and bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until bubbling.


Get the book NOW!

"Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes"

by Harry Eastwood

Monday, May 18, 2009

Top 10 SuperFoods...Keep Your Dress Size Small and Your Wallet FAT!

What Is The Superfood Buzz?

"Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes" is the HOT new cookbook based on the Lifetime Television Show. The focus is on tiny simple steps we can take to result in a significant difference. Isn't it wonderful when we find out that easily accessible foods that don't cost a fortune, better yet, that we may already use regularly, are terrifically beneficial to our health!

'Superfood' one of the latest buzzwords to fascinate foodies. But if the word has you picturing an expensive multi-level marketing order, hold your horses. Some of the most super superfoods are the ingredients we cook with every day.

"Most unprocessed, natural foods can be classed as superfoods," says food expert "The Nutrition Coach" Kim Porter, "fruits, vegetables and proteins, such as fish, are rich in nutrients and beneficial to our health.

There has been a huge amount of hype in recent years about 'superfoods', and they have come and gone in trends. While it is fantastic that these healthy foods are being brought to our attention, it's important to not get carried away on every bandwagon. Focus on a super diet (balance balance balance) rather than individual superfoods. Here are 10 of the top foods and a few new (or easy) ways to make them a part of your routine.


Beets...cleansing SuperFood!

Beets contain beta-carotene and betacyanin, powerful antioxidants which are said to help improve liver detoxification. They are also high in folic acid, essential for a healthy pregnancy. Impressively versatile, beets are a great cleansing food.

Make It Now!

Chocolate and Beetroot Brownies...hide them in chocolate


  • 250g/10oz good, dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), broken into pieces
  • 250g/10oz unsalted butter, cut into cubes, plus more for greasing
  • 250g/10oz caster sugar
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 150g self-raising flour (we used wholemeal self-raising)
  • 250g beetroot, boiled until tender, peeled and grated

Method: How to make chocolate and beetroot brownies

1. Preheat oven to 350°F.

Grease a baking tin of approximately 20 x 30 x 3cm and line the bottom with baking parchment.

2. Break up the chocolate into pieces, cut the butter into cubes then mix them up a bit in a heatproof bowl. As the oven begins to warm up, put the bowl onto one of the shelves for a few minutes until the chocolate and butter starts to melt. Stir, and put back into the oven for a few more minutes to melt completely.

3. Whisk the eggs and sugar together in a bowl until combined, then beat in the melted chocolate and butter until smooth. Gently fold in the flour then the beetroot – be careful not to overmix or it will make the brownies tough.

4. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and smooth over the top with a spatula. Bake for about 20 minutes. A knife or skewer pushed into the middle should come out with a few moist crumbs clinging to it. Don't be tempted to overcook them! Remove the tin from the oven and leave on wire rack to cool before cutting into squares.

Garlic...the natural antibiotic!

Natural antiviral and antibiotic properties make garlic great for warding off winter coughs and sniffles (swine flu anyone?). Garlic has also been shown to reduce levels of bad cholesterol and it contains good levels of vitamin B6, making it a superfood for the heart. If your friends can take it, eat it raw.

Make It Now!

Garlic and Chili Prawns from "A Tour of Spain"...any excuse to eat shrimp!

Serves 2 as tapas


  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 plump garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 smallish, fresh red chili, finely chopped
  • 6 - 8 large raw prawns
  • Chopped flat leaf parsley, to serve

Method: How to make garlic and chili prawns

1. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and add the garlic and chili. Cook over medium heat for 1 - 2 minutes until softened.

2. Add the prawns and cook for just 1 - 2 minutes, turning halfway, until thoroughly cooked and pink throughout. Tip into a serving dish and sprinkle with fresh flat leaf parsley. Serve with lots of crusty bread.

Broccoli...part of a family of SuperFoods!

To beat a common cold, turn to this stalwart of the cruciferous family (which also includes kale, cabbage and cauliflower). Rich in vitamin C and fibre, broccoli also contains phytonutrients, which have anti-carcinogenic properties and can boost immunity, cleanse the liver and protect our eyes. Eat it raw or lightly steamed for maximum benefit.

Make It Now!

Broccoli and easy broccoli side dish to accompany roast meats. Goes particularly well with our roast chicken with lemon and rosemary.

Serves 6
Ready in 15 minutes


  • 2 broccoli heads (about 750g), cut into florets
  • 6 tbsp good olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

1. Drop the broccoli into a pan of boiling salted water and cook for 4 minutes, until al dente. Drain well.

2. Put the olive oil and garlic into a frying pan over a medium heat. As soon as the garlic begins to sizzle and brown, add the broccoli and toss for 1-2 minutes. Check the seasoning and serve straightaway.

Apples...teachers SuperFood!
Does an apple a day keeps the doctor away? Teacher's favorite fruit is packed full of antioxidants including vitamin C and quercetin, which bolster the body's immune defenses. Pectin, a soluble fiber found in apples, is also said to help relieve constipation and lowers levels of bad cholesterol.
Make It Now!
Cook Yourself Thin Mulled Apple Crumb with Creme Fraiche ...the booze in this dish is optional but adds a delicious adult finish to this classic pudding. The vanilla crème fraiche makes a refreshing alternative to custard.

Serves 6
Ready in 35 minutes


The filling

  • 700g/about 4-5 Bramley apples, peeled, cored and thickly sliced
  • 50g fructose sugar
  • 1/4 tsp mixed spice
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • juice and zest 1 orange
  • splash of calvados, brandy or cider, (optional)

The topping

  • 100g wholemeal flour
  • 85g butter, very cold and cut into cubes
  • 3 tbsp fructose sugar
  • 50g whole porridge oats

The vanilla creme fraiche

  • 300g 4% fat crème fraiche
  • 1 vanilla pod, seeds only
  • 1 tsp fructose sugar, (optional)
1. Heat oven to 180C. Place the apples, sugar, mixed spice, cinnamon, zest, juice, alcohol and three tablespoons of water in a large pan.


Portion size per serving:

  • 1 portion of fruit and vegetables
  • 5 portions of 'extras'

2. Stir gently over a low heat until the sugar has melted and the apples begin to break down. Pour into a two-liter pie dish and leave to cool a little while you make the topping.

3. Place the wholemeal flour and butter in a mixing bowl and rub together until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add the sugar and oats and mix through.

4. Sprinkle over the apples, pressing down if necessary. Bake in the oven for 25 mins or until golden and crisp.

5. For the vanilla crème fraiche, mix all the ingredients together. Serve dolloped on top of the crumble.

Eggs...the Simple SuperFood!

Now that's an easy one! For something so small, an egg crams an awful lot in. They are a brilliant source of protein, and provide good levels of iron, zinc, B vitamins and selenium. They also contain choline, which is cited as vital for brain function and memory. Best of all, you can whip them up in a jiffy.

If you usually only manage to choke down a dry piece of toast for breakfast then this recipe will remind you how to make a proper start to the day. Boil an egg. Written with children in mind, it is easy to follow.

Serves 1
Ready in 10 minutes


  • 1 egg

Almonds...packed with power
With a high magnesium and monounsaturated fat content, almonds are said to be good for our hearts, while a dose of vitamin E helps to protect our skin from damage. Almonds are a great source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, calcium, zinc and iron. Add almonds to Greek yogurt for a healthy breakfast, spread almond butter on toast, or for a more decadent treat, dip almonds in melted dark chocolate, another superfood.
Make It Now!

Pear and Almond Cake...not be the most obvious of combos, but try this delicious cake and you'll soon realize that it's a match made in heaven!

Serves 8
Takes 35 minutes to make and 1 hour to bake


  • 175g softened butter
  • 150g Billington's Golden Caster Sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 220g self-raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp grated nutmeg
  • 140ml sour cream
  • Finely grated zest of 1 lemon
  • 50g ground almonds
  • 2 firm pears, such as Comice
  • A little lemon juice
  • For the almond crunch topping
  • 50g butter
  • 50g Billington's Light Muscovado Sugar
  • 2 tbsp double cream

1. Line a 20cm springform tin with non-stick baking paper. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan160°C/gas 4.

2. Cream the butter, sugar and vanilla in a bowl until pale and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, 1 at a time, adding a spoonful of the flour with the second egg. Sift the remaining flour, a pinch of salt, baking soda and the nutmeg together. Fold half the flour into the creamed mixture. Fold in the sour cream, zest and almonds, then the remaining flour.

3. Peel, core and slice the pears. Toss with lemon juice to prevent discolouration. Spread half of the cake mixture over the base of the tin, cover with the pears, then the remaining cake mixture. Bake for 40 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, make the almond topping. Melt the butter in a pan and stir in the sugar and cream, then stir in the almonds.

5. Remove the cake from the oven and pour the almond mixture evenly over the top. Bake for a further 20-25 minutes, or until the topping is toffee-coloured and a skewer comes out clean from the centre of the cake. Remove and serve warm or cold.

Green Tea
Green Tea...a secret to longevity

Green tea is very rich in a group of potent antioxidants called flavonoids, which are said to have immune enhancing and cancer protective properties. It is thought that one of the reasons why cancer rates are lower in Japan than the Western world is due to the high consumption of green tea (around three cups daily).

Make It Now!

Green Tea Ice Cream...has a delicate, almost scented, flavor and it's perfect served with tropical fruits such as mango and dragon fruit.

Serves 4
Takes 35 minutes to make, plus cooling and freezing

Nutritional Information

Per serving:
22.6g fat (12.7g saturated)
7.2g protein
42.9g carbs
42.9g sugar
0.2g salt


  • 500ml full-fat milk
  • 100ml double cream
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 100g sugar
  • 10g green tea powder (see Tip)
  • Tropical fruits, such as sliced mango and dragon fruit, to serve

1. Put the milk and cream in a pan over a medium heat and bring just to the boil. Remove from heat. In a large bowl, cream together the egg yolks, sugar and green tea for a few minutes, until thickened. Gradually pour in the hot milk mixture, stirring.


Green tea powder can be bought from the Japan Centre, 212 Piccadilly, London W1J 9HX. If you're not in London, Japan Centre has a good website, visit ( for mail order.

2. Pour the mixture back into the pan over a medium-low heat and cook, stirring, for 10-12 minutes, until thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Do not overheat as it may curdle. Sieve into a clean bowl and cool.

3. Churn the mixture in an ice cream maker until frozen, then freeze until serving. Alternatively, pour into a freezerproof container, freeze for 2 hours then whizz in a processor until smooth. Freeze and repeat 3-4 times, until smooth, then freeze until serving. Serve scoops of ice cream with sliced tropical fruits.

Sardines...Great Source of Omega3's

Sardines are oily fish, which means they are a great source of omega 3 fats, vital for good heart, brain, skin and hormone health. Whether fresh or tinned, these little fish also provide lots of protein, vitamin B12, selenium and vitamin D. Tinned sardines on toast makes a fast and delicious budget lunch.

Make It Now!

Gordon's Grilled Sardines with Chermoula...from Cook Along Live

Serves 4


For the chermoula

  • 2 teaspoons cumin seeds
  • 2 teaspoons coriander seeds
  • Salt and pepper
  • Zest and juice of 1 small lemon
  • 2 garlic cloves, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 4 - 5 tablespoons olive oil
  • Small handful of coriander, chopped
  • 8 fresh sardines, gutted

For the couscous

  • 250g couscous
  • Olive oil
  • 150ml vegetable stock, hot
  • 100ml boiling water
  • 100g raisins
  • 200g cherry tomatoes
  • Fresh basil, shredded
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • 100g flaked almonds
  • 1 x lemon, zest and juice

Method: How to make Gordon's grilled sardines with chermoula

1. To make the chermoula, toast the cumin and coriander seeds in a pan over a low heat until fragrant.

2. Tip the toasted seeds into a mortar and add a pinch each of salt and pepper. Grind to a fine powder, then add the lemon zest, garlic and grind the mixture to a paste. Stir in the rest of the ingredients.

3. Score the sardines lightly on both sides at 1cm intervals and place in a shallow dish. Spoon half of the chermoula mixture over the fish and rub the marinade into the scored skin. Cover with cling film and leave to marinate.

4. Tip the couscous into a mixing bowl. Add a dash of olive oil and pour over the hot stock and water. Add the raisins here to re-constitute. Cover with cling film and leave for 15 - 20 minutes.

5. Mix the cherry tomatoes and basil in a bowl with salt and pepper. Add a splash of balsamic vinegar, drizzle with olive oil and toss together.

6. Heat a griddle pan until hot. Season the sardines with a little salt and pepper and oil lightly. Place them on the griddle and sear for 3-4 minutes each side, basting with any juices as you go. Spoon over the remaining chermoula and transfer the griddle to the oven for 2-3 minutes. Toast the flaked almonds in a dry frying pan until lightly brown.

7. Fork through the couscous to separate the grains. Add the flaked almonds, lemon zest and juice, a little olive oil and season to taste. Spoon the couscous onto the plate, serve the cherry tomatoes alongside and top with the sardines.

Turmeric...a Powerful Antioxident

Turmeric has been used for centuries in China and India as an anti-inflammatory agent and can be helpful in cases of joint and muscle pain. Turmeric is also said to be a powerful antioxidant and a source of iron, manganese and vitamin B6, all of which adds up to the wonderful conclusion: eating curry is good for you. Yeah us!

Although curry and potatoes are now great British staples, both foods originated outside of the UK. Curry powder came from India and was first sold in the UK in the 18th century, while potatoes arrived on our shores in the 16th century from the Americas.

Make It Now!

Potato and Cashew Curry

Serves 4
Ready in 45 minutes

Nutritional Information

Per serving:
24.3g fat (8.6g saturated)
10.6g protein
50.2g carbs
10.2g sugar
0.8g salt


  • 900g British new potatoes, peeled
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp black mustard seeds
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • Thumb-size piece fresh root ginger, grated
  • 1 hot green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 6 fresh curry leaves (from large greengrocers), or 6 dried (from supermarkets)
  • 400ml can reduced-fat coconut milk
  • 4 vine tomatoes, peeled, deseeded and quartered
  • 2-3 handfuls baby spinach leaves, washed
  • 100g cashew nuts

Method: How to make potato and cashew curry

Halve the potatoes, if large, put into a large pan and cover with water. Bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.

Heat the oil in the same pan, add the mustard seeds and cook until they start to pop. Add the onion and fry for 5 minutes, until softened. Add the garlic, ginger, chilli, turmeric and curry leaves and fry, stirring, for 1 minute. Add the potatoes and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Pour in the coconut milk, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes, season, and cook for a further 5-10 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender but still holding their shape. Season to taste, then stir in the spinach and cashews.

Cook briefly to just wilt the spinach. Divide between 4 warm bowls and serve with naan bread to soak up the juices.

Red Wine
Red Wine...relaxing and healthful!

Stock up your wine rack. According to Kim, the odd tipple of red wine won't do you any harm and in fact, might benefit you. Red wine has protective properties due to a high content of polyphenols, antioxidants which can apparently protect against cancer, heart disease and (brilliantly) premature ageing. Wines made from Tannat or Malbec grapes usually contain the highest polyphenol levels.

Make It Now!

Sausage, Haricot Bean and Red Wine Casserole...will keep you warm through the cold winter evenings. Just snuggle up and enjoy it.

Serves 4
Ready in 40 minutes

Nutritional Information

Per serving:
43.4g fat (15.3g saturated)
30g protein
27.1g carbs
5.3g sugar
3.2g salt


  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 8 good pork and herb sausages
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 2 celery sticks, sliced
  • 2 fresh thyme sprigs, plus extra to serve
  • 2 tbsp tomato puree
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 150ml red wine
  • 600ml fresh chicken or vegetable stock, hot
  • 410g can haricot or cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
  • Chopped fresh flatleaf parsley, to serve

Method: How to make sausage and red wine casserole

1. Heat the oil in a casserole or large frying pan over a medium heat. Add the sausages and brown until golden all over. Remove them with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the onion, celery and thyme sprigs to the pan and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Add the tomato purÈe and flour and cook for 1 minute. Pour in the red wine, bring to the boil and bubble until reduced by two-thirds. Add the stock, bring back to the boil and reduce the heat to a fast simmer.

2. Halve each sausage diagonally and return to the pan, then simmer for 15 minutes until they are cooked through and the sauce has thickened slightly.

3. Stir the beans into the casserole and cook for a further 5 minutes to heat through. Season to taste, then divide between 4 warm plates. Garnish with the extra herbs. Serve with creamy mash and vegetables.

Have fun with these recipes and if you want more check out the HOT new book from the Lifetime Television Show Now!

Click Here For "Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes"

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes

Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes

by Harry Eastwood, Candice Kumai, and Allison Fishman

Give up Italian food if you go on a diet? The new healthy eating recipe book "Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes", based on the Lifetime television show, teaches you to cook delicious Italian style dishes and not be scared to count the calories! And you don't have to go on some weird, extreme fad diet!
Harry Eastwood, Candice Kumai, Allsion Fishman

Tried and Tested Recipes

There are over 120 recipes, half of which were winning entries in a competition – so they’ve been made by ordinary dieters in their homes, and are all tried and tested.

Calorie Counting

The idea of the book is to help you cut 500 calories a day. By fine tuning your diet like this, making small changes in the way you cook and the ingredients you use, you can start to lose weight – and more importantly keep it off. It certainly helps with calorie counting, as each recipe tells you just how many calories there are per serving. So you can indulge in a breakfast of tasty Coconut and Banana Pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, safe in the knowledge that there are 193 calories per serving. (Mind, the recipe makes enough for 4 people, so be sure you’ve other people there to share them with. Otherwise it would be all too easy to polish them off yourself.)

Daily Menu

The book is intended to be adaptable, and is divided into chapters that help you plan daily menus. There are sections on breakfasts, lunchboxes, vegetarian dishes, desserts – and dishes that will fill you up when you’re ravenous.

Click Here for Cook Yourself Thin's Frosted Vanilla Cupcake Recipe!

"Skinny Girl" Margarita by Bethenny Frankel
On the Rocks:
2 oz of Clear Premium Tequila
Tiny splash of Orange Liquor
Juice of four Fresh Lime Wedges

Combine all of these ingredients with a glass of ice and add a lime wedge, WAH-LAH!


Use the same ingredients as above, adding crushed (blended) ice

For only 96 calories… there’s Nothing better than THE SKINNY GIRLMARGARITA.

Need more? Get Bethenny's Cookbook Now!

"Naturally Thin: Unleash Your SkinnyGirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting"

"My Sisters Keeper" the book and movie

"My Sister's Keeper" is the new movie starring Cameron Diaz (the mom) and Sofia Vassilieva (the kid) coming out June 26, 2009. It's based on the controversial book by Jodi Picoult.

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

What the press is saying...
"My Sister's Keeper" a Novel

Eileen Rieback says:

Jodi Picoult has masterfully covered yet another controversial topic in her novel "My Sister's Keeper." This time, young Kate is diagnosed with a severe form of leukemia. Her parents then have a baby, Anna, who is genetically selected to be a close donor match for Kate. From her birth onward into her early teens, Anna is called upon to undergo increasingly invasive and dangerous procedures to provide blood, bone marrow, and other tissues to sustain her older sister's life. Now, a kidney is needed, and Anna brings a lawsuit against her parents, claiming the right to her make own decision about what medical procedures can be performed on her. Anna's mother Sara, an attorney, decides to represent her own daughter Kate at the trial.

There are some very difficult questions raised in this story. Does Anna have the obligation to risk her own health to save her sister? Do her parents have the right to make the medical decisions about Anna's donor role, and where should their loyalties lie? Where is the fine line between what is legal and what is ethical in a situation like this? There seem to be no right or wrong answers here, and the ensuing trial recounts all the physical, moral, psychological, and familial struggles that are brought to bear on the issue. Picoult paints a powerfully emotional picture of a family in turmoil. She adds additional tension to the story through brother Jesse, whose drug taking and criminal tendencies add even more burdens to an already overwrought situation. The story also includes the love/hate relationship between Anna's lawyer and her legal guardian.

The narrative switches from character to character so that the reader hears the voices of each family member, as well as that of Anna's lawyer and of the legal guardian appointed to watch out for her interests. Sara's narrative includes flashbacks on the history of Kate's illness, Anna's role in providing medical support, and the toll that the constant threat of Kate's death takes on the family. There are several shocking twists to the plot that make the story even more riveting. This is Picoult's best book yet!

Publishers Weekly says:
The difficult choices a family must make when a child is diagnosed with a serious disease are explored with pathos and understanding in this 11th novel by Picoult (Second Glance, etc.). The author, who has taken on such controversial subjects as euthanasia (Mercy), teen suicide (The Pact) and sterilization laws (Second Glance), turns her gaze on genetic planning, the prospect of creating babies for health purposes and the ethical and moral fallout that results. Kate Fitzgerald has a rare form of leukemia. Her sister, Anna, was conceived to provide a donor match for procedures that become increasingly invasive. At 13, Anna hires a lawyer so that she can sue her parents for the right to make her own decisions about how her body is used when a kidney transplant is planned. Meanwhile, Jesse, the neglected oldest child of the family, is out setting fires, which his firefighter father, Brian, inevitably puts out. Picoult uses multiple viewpoints to reveal each character's intentions and observations, but she doesn't manage her transitions as gracefully as usual; a series of flashbacks are abrupt. Nor is Sara, the children's mother, as well developed and three-dimensional as previous Picoult protagonists. Her devotion to Kate is understandable, but her complete lack of sympathy for Anna's predicament until the trial does not ring true, nor can we buy that Sara would dust off her law degree and represent herself in such a complicated case. Nevertheless, Picoult ably explores a complex subject with bravado and clarity, and comes up with a heart-wrenching, unexpected plot twist at the book's conclusion.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

About the Movie...

Cameron Diaz on the set of "My Sister's Keeper"
Cameron Diaz and Sofia Vassileva
Cameron Diaz "bald" on the set

It’s been awhile since we’ve seen or heard from Cameron Diaz in any substantial sense. But we have the latest pics of the “There’s Something About Mary” babe on the set of her new movie. Diaz was spotted in full costume on the set of “My Sister’s Keeper” the new flick based on Jodi Picoult novel. And the film sounds like it’s going to be a turn toward the dramatic genre for Cameron’s career.

According to press, “Diaz will play a former defense attorney who returns to the courtroom to defend herself and her husband when they are sued by their 13-year-old daughter for emancipation. The girl was conceived as a genetic match with the hope she could prolong her cancer-ridden sister’s life.”

Check out the book below!

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Biggest Loser Winner

"The Biggest Loser" Winner 2009!

Helen Phillips Wins the $250K!

"The Biggest Loser" Tara Costa Not Season's Winner

Helen Phillips lost 54.47% of her total body weight. The 140-pounds loss won her the $250,000 grand prize on NBC's "The Biggest Loser: Couples" show. Phillips, 48, beat worthy finalists Mike Morelli and Tara Costa.

She started the competition last fall at 257 pounds and ended at 117 pounds on Tuesday night's season finale.

"When I started, learning how to exercise and work out, and incorporate good nutrition into my diet was hard," Phillips said. "Once I learned and got on-board, and realized how important it was, the easier it became."

Morelli, 19, finished the show with a body weight loss of 53.35 percent. His starting weight was 388 pounds. Morelli dropped 207 pounds and weighed in Tuesday at 181 pounds. The 24-year-old Costa dropped 155 pounds after starting the show at 294 pounds. Her percentage of body weight loss was 52.72. Morelli's 55-year-old father, Ron, finished fourth.

For Phillips, winning the competition had special significance for her family which is caught squarely in the middle of the country's economic downturn and Detroit's automotive crisis. Her husband, Russell is in danger of losing his job if automaker Chrysler LLC goes forward with a plan to shut down its Sterling Heights assembly plant in 2010. Helen commented, "This will give us a nice cushion."

Want the secrets to "The Biggest loser"?

Check out Jillian's hot new book, "Master Your Metabolism" now!

Do It Yourself Now With Jillian's "30 Day Shred"!

Monday, May 11, 2009

10 Famous Foods Famous Lovers Used To Seduce

Time to cook a meal for your hot date? Take a look at what famous lovers from the past have served up! Look back in time to those who knew how to woo.

Samson wooed Delilah with almonds, believed to provoke passionate thoughts in women. The ancient Aztecs named the avocado tree 'Ahuacuati' which translates to 'testicle tree' (nice) and it is full of sex hormone-producing vitamin B.

Garlic apparently awakens the sexual appetite, and honey was used by men during medieval times to drive their romantic choice into a frenzy of desire. Newlyweds would drink mead at their wedding breakfast, giving rise to the term 'honeymoon'.

When Attila the Hun married his twelfth wife Ildico in 453 AD whole herds of sheep along with thousands of gallons of alcohol were brought in to satisfy their appetites. The feasting continued for days, and Attila was found dead the morning after taking his 16-year-old bride to bed…so maybe not that…

When Romeo and Juliet met at a grand ball in 15th century Verona, Italy, the food was lavish and elaborate. The young lovers began the feast with tender pork livers, blancmange, tortes and pies, salt-cured pork loin and sausage, roast veal, kid, squab, chicken, rabbit, and whole roasted large game and fowl dressed in their skin or feathers. The main course included fried dough covered with honey and rose water, served with silver-wrapped lemons in syrup, Catalan-style chicken, suckling pig, capon and duck with black and sour cherries macerated in wine. Oh my!

Times were hard for Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler during the American Civil War, during which gingerbread and apples were amongst the most coveted food. Ginger is known to stimulate the heart and make the pulse race, but not a great deal can be said for apples on the romantic front, bar their seductive Eden-esque past.

Napoleon wooed Josephine in 1795 at Lerand Vefours restaurant in Paris where they dined on oysters, mutton and sole. His loving letters to her can still be seen in his tomb in Paris.

And Casanova? The world's most famous lover loved food as well as women. "Sex is like eating and eating is like sex," he wrote. It is thought that Casanova created the idea of oysters being an aphrodisiac, and loved sharing his favorite dish with his many lovers - macaroni sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. I might try that.

Well-off Victorians would scoff oysters and drink Champagne, especially on special occasions such as a romantic meal for two. Dinner might consist of baked fish followed by roasted poultry, pork or beef, accompanied by a variety of vegetables, fresh baked bread, and often pasta, which was presented by the maid in a dramatic style to the great delight of the guests.

As for Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco, their six-tier wedding cake was cut with the Prince's sword, oozing cream and fruit. Guests feasted on a huge buffet showcasing fresh lobster and huge sides of beef.

At Prince Charles' wedding to Lady Diana in 1981, guests drank Cuvee Dom Perignon 1961 vintage, selected because it was the year of the bride's birth. It is known as one of the most coveted and rare champagnes.

For Real Life Cooking Ideas Check Out "Cook Yourself Thin"

Cook Yourself Thin with Lifetime's new Cookbook and Show!

Cook Yourself Thin on Lifetime is the HOTTEST new way to get thin and stay that way...while still enjoying life and FOOD!

The show started with the first participant, Rachel, the "takeout queen", who says she developed bad eating habits as a child. She wanted to get pregnant, but wanted to lose weight first. The shows hosts cut down her typical daily intake of 2,500 calories to less than 1,000. Simple suggestions like keeping the skins on Yukon potatoes when you mash them instead of heaping on butter gives you that buttery flavor without the butter! You can also add half a cauliflower, scallions, and buttermilk to make tasty mashed potatoes you cut your calories from 1,042 to only 389 per serving while getting a similarly satisfying dish. The show teaches ways to add secret ingredients to cupcakes; like ground almonds to provide natural fat and shredded zucchini to add moisture instead of butter.

The second episode offered some simple suggestions like "confetti-ing" ham and poaching eggs in vinegar water for a healthful version of a traditional breakfast sandwich. This method can bring the calories down from 700 to 300. French fries were replaced with baked sweet potato fries with chili powder, garlic powder, and olive oil and burgers were modified to turkey burgers, with green chilies for flavor. The experts also suggested a cooking tip to add flavor to burgers: pressing the patty. It preserves air pockets to catch juices. These VERY simple and tasty suggestions can cut the average burger meal from 2,500 calories down to only 600!!

Cook Yourself Thin also has an interactive website where you can find things like recipes, food suggestions, exercise tracking and the caloric modification to your diet that it can give you, goals, diary writing, and a community. See below for an overview of the site, but it costs $ (just $18 a month), but still, I really just want the recipes, so the book is perfect for me (and a one-time cost).

Food Diary and Food Database

* Track calories and see how many you have used up in each meal and how many you have left for the day

* See the proportion of fat, protein and carbs in your food, and how many grams of fiber - giving you the control to balance your diet

* Keep notes about food and drink for the day, how you felt and what affected what you ate and drank

Exercise Diary and Exercise Database

* Find out how many calories you burn during workouts and ordinary daily activity

* Add your earned exercise calories to your diary and see how many extra calories this gives you

* Track your total calories for the day including those earned through exercise to see how many you've used up and how many you have left


* Search for recipes by calorie content or your favorite ingredients, or browse through the recipe categories for inspiration

* Create and calorie-count your own recipes, and see what difference it makes to the calories when you change quantities or swap ingredients, helping you drop the pounds without dropping your favorite dishes

* Add recipes to your Diary, from the database or from the list of recipes you have created

Goals and Results

* Set a weight loss goal; see how many calories you need to get there and the date you can expect to reach your goal

* Speed up or slow down your rate of loss depending on what suits you at the time. You can even go onto 'maintenance calories' for times when you need to relax but don't want to put weight on. Great for holidays and Christmas

* Track your measurements and view your weight graph - there's nothing more motivating than a nice downward line!


* Get support - whatever you're going through, the chances are that other members can relate to it. They understand exactly what you mean because they've been there themselves

* Get ideas and inspiration - real life practical answers to situations you face from "What shall I have for lunch?" to "How do I cope with evening munchies?"

* Add the IDs of your buddies to your friends list and you can see when they're online

Monthly Membership: $17.95 a month

Check out the book and order it now!

Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cook Yourself Thin Cookbook!

Cook Yourself Thin is the hottest new cookbook out based on a new series on Lifetime Television. The show is a takeoff of the successful British with the same name and it teaches
you how to prepare skinny alternatives to your favorite foods.

HARRY EASTWOOD, ALLISON FISHMAN and CANDICE KUMAI star in the show and Harry is also the author of the popular book Cook Yourself Thin and Lose a Dress Size.

Their motto is Lose the Bulge...but Still Indulge!
Read the Reuters Release and check out the cookbook below.

Do you want to have your cake and eat it,
too? Cook Yourself Thin, an all-new series that will teach you the skills and give you the confidence to give your favorite indulgent
meals a healthy makeover by cutting the calories and doubling the flavor!
Culinary experts Harry Eastwood, Allison Fishman and Candice Kumai show guests
how to lose their unwanted inches by replacing extreme dieting with clever
cooking. The twenty-episode, half-hour series premieres with back-to-back
episodes onMonday, May 4 at 5:00 and 5:30 pm (ET/PT). For the remainder of the
week, Cook Yourself Thin will air new episodes Monday through Friday at 5:00
and 5:30 pm (ET/PT). Starting Monday, May 11, new episodes will air Monday
through Friday at 5:00 pm (ET/PT).

To coincide with the premiere of the series, Voice released the Cook
Yourself Thin cookbook on April 28, 2009. The cookbook includes all of
the recipes featured on the show as well as a calorie guide, a list of the big
(and surprising) calorie offenders, skinny alternatives to your favorite
meals, a food personality quiz and more.

Based on the successful, British series and popular cookbook, Cook Yourself
Thin encourages women to lose weight by changing their eating habits. Each
half-hour episode follows one guest as she learns simple ways to transform her
favorite high calorie meals into delicious, healthier fare. Hosts Eastwood,
Fishman and Kumai use their sharp culinary know-how to tailor a specific menu
for each participant. In the premiere episode, show participant Rachel trades
in her typical lunch of traditional lasagna (858 calories per serving) and
dinner of ribeye steak and mashed potatoes (1,040 calories per serving) for a
spinach and mushroom veggie lasagna (343 calories per serving) and steak with
cauliflower mashed potatoes (389 calories per serving).

The meals are prepared step-by-step, comparing the calorie count of the
original recipe to those of the Cook Yourself Thin version. The guest is then
sent home with the ingredients, tools and tips necessary to make healthy
changes in the kitchen. After six weeks of living the Cook Yourself Thin
lifestyle, the hosts visit each participant at home to check on her progress.

Visitors to will be able to view full episodes of the series
the day after they premiere on Lifetime Television. Additionally, site
visitors will have access to recipes featured on the show and step-by-step
cooking instructions. For each episode, there will be five exclusive
webisodes featuring behind-the-scenes information about show participants -
including an inside look at the contents of their refrigerators and a video
blog recorded by one of the hosts offering cooking tips and additional
strategies for Cook Yourself Thin.

Fans of the series can also log on to the Cook Yourself Thin
subscription-based online club at for exclusive access to
features, tips and tools that will help users drop their unwanted pounds.

Food writer and cookbook author Harry Eastwood is an expert baker. She prides
herself on being able to cut the calorie count of delicious desserts by
substituting healthy alternatives for the high fat ingredients typically found
in baked goods. Eastwood starred in the British version of the series and
co-authored the cookbook Cook Yourself Thin: The Delicious Way to Drop a Dress

Chef Allison Fishman honed her culinary skills while working for Martha
Stewart and Food Network as a recipe developer and food stylist.
Additionally, Fishman served as co-host of TLC's Home Made Simple. She
currently writes a weekly food column for and her recipes
and writings have been featured in national magazines and newspapers across
the nation.

Candice Kumai, a contestant on season one of Bravo's Top Chef, was
professionally trained at the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu. Kumai is currently
a special events chef at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Laguna Beach, CA and runs
her own catering company, Stiletto Chef LA. She has been featured as a
cooking expert on KNBC's Your LA and participates in high profile cooking
demonstrations across the country.


Hottest Best Selling Cookbooks

Saturday, May 2, 2009

BEST Mint Julep Recipes

Mint Julep

Want to make the BEST Mint Juleps for your Kentucky Derby party? For nearly a century, the mint julep has been the traditional beverage of Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby. The Early Times Mint Julep Cocktail is a ready-to-serve beverage that has been the "The Official Mint Julep of the Kentucky Derby®" for over 16 years. Over 80,000 Early Times Mint Juleps are served over the two-day period of the Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby, requiring 8,000 liters of Early Times Mint Julep Ready-to-Serve Cocktail, 2,200 pounds of freshly harvested mint, and 80 tons of shaved ice.

The Grade II Early Times Mint Julep Stakes on May 24 at Churchill Downs is sponsored by Early Times, the time-honored ingredient in mixing an authentic mint julep. If the Early Times Mint Julep Ready-to-Serve Cocktail is not available from your local retailer, you can make your own with this recipe:

Early Times Mint Julep

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups water
  • Sprigs of fresh mint
  • Crushed ice
  • Early Times Kentucky Whisky
  • Silver Julep Cups

Make a simple syrup by boiling sugar and water together for five minutes. Cool and place in a covered container with six or eight sprigs of fresh mint, then refrigerate overnight. Make one julep at a time by filling a julep cup with crushed ice, adding one tablespoon mint syrup and two ounces of Early Times Kentucky Whiskey. Stir rapidly with a spoon to frost the outside of the cup. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

The Perfect Mint Julep Recipe from the Food Network


  • 4 cups bourbon
  • 2 bunches fresh spearmint
  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • Powdered sugar


To prepare mint extract, remove about 40 small mint leaves. Wash and place in a small bowl. Cover with 3 ounces bourbon. Allow the leaves to soak for 15 minutes. Then gather the leaves in paper toweling. Thoroughly wring the mint over the bowl of whisky. Dip the bundle again and repeat the process several times.

To prepare simple syrup, mix 1 cup of granulated sugar and 1 cup of distilled water in a small saucepan. Heat to dissolve sugar. Stir constantly so the sugar does not burn. Set aside to cool.

To prepare mint julep mixture, pour 3 1/2 cups of bourbon into a large glass bowl or glass pitcher. Add 1 cup of the simple syrup to the bourbon.

Now begin adding the mint extract 1 tablespoon at a time to the julep mixture. Each batch of mint extract is different, so you must taste and smell after each tablespoon is added. You are looking for a soft mint aroma and taste-generally about 3 tablespoons. When you think it's right, pour the whole mixture back into the empty liter bottle and refrigerate it for at least 24 hours to "marry" the flavors.

To serve the julep, fill each glass (preferably a silver mint julep cup) 1/2 full with shaved ice. Insert a spring of mint and then pack in more ice to about 1-inch over the top of the cup. Then, insert a straw that has been cut to 1-inch above the top of the cup so the nose is forced close to the mint when sipping the julep.

When frost forms on the cup, pour the refrigerated julep mixture over the ice and add a sprinkle of powdered sugar to the top of the ice. Serve immediately.

Non-Alcoholic Mint Julep

Your kids and non-drinking friends can join in the Kentucky Derby festivities!

READY IN 1 Hr 25 Min


  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint leaves
  • 2 cups crushed ice
  • 1/2 cup prepared lemonade
  • Fresh mint sprigs, for garnish
  1. In a small saucepan, combine the water, sugar and 1 tablespoon of chopped mint. Stir and bring to a boil. Cook until sugar has dissolved, then remove from heat and set aside to cool. After about an hour, strain out mint leaves.
  2. Fill 2 cups or frozen goblets with crushed ice. Pour 1/2 of the lemonade into each glass and top with a splash of the sugar syrup. Garnish each with a mint sprig and a straw. Serve on a silver platter.

Pork Chops and Sugar Snap Peas with Mint Julep Glaze

Bon Appétit | March 2009

yield: Makes 2 servings

active time: 20 minutes

total time: 20 minutes

The classic Kentucky cocktail is the inspiration for this light and lovely dish—which has just a hint of bourbon.


  • 1/2 cup beef broth
  • 6 tablespoons bourbon, divided
  • 1 tablespoon (packed) dark brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon white wine vinegar
  • 2 3/4-inch-thick pork rib chops
  • Ground allspice
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 4 ounces sugar snap peas
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint


Stir broth, 3 tablespoons bourbon, sugar, and vinegar in small bowl until sugar dissolves. Sprinkle pork with salt, pepper, and allspice. Melt butter in medium nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add pork. Sauté until just cooked through, about 4 minutes per side (butter will brown). Transfer pork to platter.

Add bourbon mixture to skillet and bring to boil. Add sugar snap peas and cook until crisp-tender, about 2 minutes. Using slotted spoon, scatter peas over pork. Remove skillet from over heat. Add remaining 3 tablespoons bourbon to sauce in skillet. Boil over high heat until sauce is reduced to thin glaze and coats spoon lightly, about 3 minutes. Mix in mint; spoon over pork and serve.

For more ideas to hostess successfully AND keep that hot bod, read "The Skinny Bitch in the Kitch", the hottest new book on eating thin. Click below now!