Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hot New Book- Who's Got Your Back by Project Greenlight's Keith Ferrazzi

Keith Ferrazzi's new book, Who's Got Your Back: The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep, Trusting Relationships That Create Success--and Won't Let You Fail is ready to help YOU drastically change your life. His idea is simple: Hold a small few close. Make these few the smart, real people in your life that will give you the honest truth about the missteps they see in your life and life-plan (no yes-men). Keep them in your life and have them hold you accountable.
Keith Ferrazzi- Author of "Who's Got Your back?"

Ferrazzi's ideas mirror those of many great men and titans of industry before him. It's a worthy read with much to teach. Use his wisdom to change YOUR life and move closer to the life YOU DESERVE!

"If I'd had this book at the start of my career, I would have saved myself 30 years of trial and error. If you are serious about your success, I strongly recommend that you read this book and build your support circle today."

- Marshall Goldsmith, author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There, a NYT best seller, WSJ #1 business book

Disregard the myth of the lone professional "superman" and the rest of our culture's go-it alone mentality. The real path to success in your career and in your personal life is through creating an inner circle of "lifeline relationships" - deep, close relationships with a few key trusted individuals who will offer the encouragement, feedback, and generous mutual support that every one of us needs to reach our full potential. Whether your dream is to lead a company, be a top producer in your field, overcome the self-destructive habits that hold you back, lose weight or make a difference in the larger world, Who's Got Your Back will give you the roadmap you've been looking for to achieve the success you deserve.

Keith Ferrazzi, the internationally renowned thought leader, consultant, and bestselling author of Never Eat Alone, shows us that becoming a winner in any field of endeavor requires a trusted team of advisors who can offer guidance and help to hold us accountable to achieving our goals. It is the reason PH.D candidates have advisor teams, top executives have boards, world class athletes have fitness coaches, and presidents have cabinets.

In this step-by-step guide to the powerful principles behind personal growth and change, you'll learn how to:

  • Master the mindsets that will help you to build deeper, more trusting "lifeline relationships"
  • Overcome the career-crippling habits that hold you back, once and for all
  • Get further, faster by setting goals in a dramatically more powerful way
  • Use "sparring" as a productive tool to make the decisions that will fuel personal success
  • Replace the "yes men" in your life with those who get it and care - and who will hold you accountable to achieving your goals
  • Lower your guard and let others help

None of us can do it alone. We need the perspective and advice of a trusted team. And in Who's Got Your Back, Keith Ferrazzi shows us how to put our own "dream team" together. The principles learned apply to much more than just business.

Don't Pay What Everyone Else Is Paying!

Click this link now and get your copy

for only $13.75!

That's over $11 off list price!

Also check out Keith Ferrazzi's Bestselling DVD Never Eat Alone HERE!