Thursday, May 28, 2009

10 Headlines That Will Make YOUR HUSBAND LEAVE YOU Before He Even Meets You!

Your HEADLINE will get your profile read or skipped.

Next to your photo, it is one of the most powerful marketing tools of your online dating profile. A good headline can draw crowds of people, even if you don’t have a photo. A bad headline however... can make you all but invisible.

In no particular order, here are the 10 worst headlines out there... so common and boring that people don’t even see them as they skim through ads. Learn from the mistakes of the unread!

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1. HEADLINE: “Insert funny headline here.”
HE THINKS: “Wow, people are still using this tired old line?”

This wasn’t funny years ago, and everyone has seen it dozens of times since. Be creative. If you’ve seen it somewhere before, it’s old news. It makes you look out of touch.

2. HEADLINE: “Clever headline #28492”
HE THINKS: “Um. Not clever’”

Says nothing interesting about you and it's way too overused. Do you really want something this boring and unoriginal to be the first thing people read about you?

3. HEADLINE: “how about diner and drinks”
HE THINKS: “You can’t even spell properly in your headline? Is our first date going to be at Chuck E Cheese?”

There is NO excuse for spelling errors in your headline, and yet it is so common. First impressions are everything, and your headline counts. It makes you look careless and sloppy (and let's be honest, not that bright). The “dinner and drinks” headline itself is also overused and coming from a woman, sounds like you are asking for a free meal.

4.HEADLINE: “Love to laugh.“
HE THINKS: “No way! Me too! We must be soul mates.”

No. No he doesn't. It doesn't send the message you want it to, that you are lighthearted and fun to be around. People write this as if it makes them unique... but have you ever known anyone who didn’t enjoy laughing? Although this headline intends to display value by making you look special, it actually reduces your value by showing that you are average.

5. HEADLINE: “I’m looking for someone special.”
HE THINKS: “Wow, I’ve just been hanging out here waiting to show myself to someone who was LOOKING for someone special! Now that you’re here, I’m saved!”

Because you are looking for someone special, does it mean that the truly special people should come check you out? Nope. No one cares what you are looking for, they only care what they are looking for. Remember that. You have to "sell" yourself online in a very small space. Use your headline to build your own value and get you what you want: Your profile read.

6. HEADLINE: “Hmm, I don’t know what to write here.”
HE THINKS: “Stumped already? Our first date is going to suck. I took the time to write something on my profile. She won't even bother to do that? Not interested.”

If you can’t think of your own headline, you’re either heavily medicated and should not be out dating or you lack any thought processes at all. There is no excuse. None. Steal something off the front page of Yahoo if you have to.

7. HEADLINE: “I’ll fill this in later.”
HE THINKS: “Too lazy to even write a headline? Guess who would be doing ALL of the work dating her...”

If you can’t be bothered, why should anyone else bother with you? Seriously, laziness is one of the biggest turn offs there is.

8. HEADLINE: “One last try...”
HE THINKS: “One last try... because you’ve struck out so many times already?”

Oh my NO NO NO. Pathetic and hurt is not SEXY. You MUST be appealing to attract. And come on, we have all been hurt. Yours is not so super special. But that headline tells everyone you are not over it. No one wants to play therapist on a date. Reminding someone of failure is never a great way to get anyone attracted to you.

9. HEADLINE: “Single and looking.”
HE THINKS: “Slutty.”

He could infer you date all the time. Guys love to think about that. (No. No they don't.) This redefines redundant, and tells the reader nothing more than that you are exactly the same as the other 50,000 people visiting the site that day.

10. HEADLINE: “Hello,” or “Hi.”
HE THINKS: “Dull.”

This is definitely one of the most common and boring headlines out there. It is completely uncreative and lacking any effort. People won’t even see it listed amongst the other interesting and funny headlines.

And the bonus number ELEVEN Worst Prize Winner is: "Picking Up the Pieces."

You know why!

And there you have the top 10 (had to be 11) most useless online dating headlines. These also fail as subject lines for first emails. The rule is - always be interesting, exciting, funny, or fascinating. Never, ever be average.

Keith Ferrazzi's smokin' hot new book
, "Who's Got Your Back, The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep Trusting Relationships That--Create Success and Won't Let You Fail" is targeted at business relationships. but he is brilliant when it comes to starting and developing the kind of connections that last a lifetime. Keith Ferrazzi is an internationally renowned thought leader, consultant, and the bestselling author of Never Eat Alone and the top leaders in business listen to what he has to say. His book offers worthwile advice on building the most important relationships in life.